Upper Extremity Prosthetics (Hands/arms)
API offers a full range of prosthetic hands and arms including cable operated, myoelectric and passive devices. Myoelectric components are controlled by muscles in the remaining limb. Cosmetic prostheses can be custom made to be virtually indistinguishable from the sound limb.
Devices for upper extremity include all levels, from partial finger to forequarter amputation.
Lower Extremity Prosthetics (legs)
API is pleased to offer a full range of prosthetic legs to suit individual needs. These include the hardier exoskeletal and the more recent developments in technology including knees controlled by microprocessors. We specialize in combining the best available materials, socket technologies, and prosthetic joints to maximize comfort and functionality.
Devices for the lower extremity include all levels, from partial toe to hip disarticulation and hemipelvectomy.
Mastectomy Products
Breast prostheses and products provided include lightweight and post operative to definitive silicone as well as associated accessories in all shapes, sizes and colours.