What types of feet are there?
Prosthetic feet also vary widely in material and function.
Some are very simple and durable, made of wood and rubber. The simplest foot has no motion at the ankle.
Other feet have motion at the ankle. Some allow movement in a single axis, like a hinge, allowing the toes to come up and down. Others have multiaxial movement at the ankle, a bit like a universal joint, allowing both up and down and side to side motion..
As with all prosthetic components, each type of foot lends itself more readily to various activities. It is easy to imagine that the multiaxis foot would make walking across uneven ground much easier.
Another material used in the making of prosthetic feet is carbon fibre. This material is very strong and light weight. It also has energy storing capabilities. What this means is that as weight is put on the foot it holds the energy like a leaf spring would. As the person takes their weight off to step on the opposite side, the foot gives a little push back, propelling the person forward.
Prosthetic feet can get complex as well, some with vertical shock and torque absorption capabilities, others are made specifically for running, still others are battery powered to help propel you forward.
Whatever it is you want to do, are there is a prosthetic foot that will help you do it.